Lead Generation Services in Delhi NCR

Pay Per Leads Packages for Small, Micro & Medium Enterprises

Basic Package


Total 134 Leads (Non Shared)

Setup 0

Payment Mode 3 Monthly

Free Responsive Website

Free SEO, Adwords & Social Media

All India Marketing for Leads

Gold Package


Total 334 Leads (Non Shared)

Setup 0

Payment Mode 3 Monthly

Free Responsive Website

Free SEO, Adwords & Social Media

All India Marketing for Leads

Premium Package


Total 667 Leads (Non Shared)

Setup 0

Payment Mode 3 Monthly

Free Responsive Website

Free SEO, Adwords & Social Media

All India Marketing for Leads

Lead Generation Services in Delhi NCR

We are PPC lead generation experts – boosting paid campaign ROI by 200%+.
  • A Google Partner team certified in Ads, Shopping & more
  • Lead-gen & B2B focused PPC strategies that drive leads
  • Detailed monthly lead generation reports available
  • Powered by India Leading B2B Company Sansadhan
If you are reading this, your business could probably use more leads. What business could not use more leads coming in through their website? Surprisingly, the majority of companies we work with are more interested in improving the quality of inbound leads than the quantity. At Yuvan Infomedia™, we focus on improving the quality of your PPC leads before we work on getting you more leads. The idea is to make your campaign saleable before throwing more money at the wall to see what sticks. After all, your PPC traffic is bought and paid traffic, so why should you settle for subpar quality? You should not. Talk with our PPC lead-gen experts today for a free quote.

Lead Generation with us is more effective as we are directly connected with B2B & B2C Business Directory and Yellow Pages of India. We will connect your website to a wider area and to largest number of keywords. You will start getting leads in a week

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